
人羊膜上皮细胞具有干细胞的特性和多分化潜能, 并且具有一些优良特性。首先,羊膜上皮干细胞分泌丰富的生长因子,尤其是多种神经生长因子和神经递质,赋予其在神经功能调整和神经损伤修复上的特殊功效;其次,羊膜上皮干细胞来自于胚胎期,经历的细胞分裂代数比较少,突变积累程度相对低,因此安全性高; 还有,羊膜上皮干细胞端粒酶水平很低,分裂代数有限(5-8代),临床应用上无致瘤风险。功能Ø  通过分泌的细胞因子,激活患者自身的修复反应,促进损伤组织的血管形成、神经再生等过程;Ø  通过分泌的细胞因子,作用于机体的各个部分,增强机体的整体活力,延缓衰老,改善容颜;Ø  通过分泌的免疫抑制因子,控制和调节机体的免疫平衡,降低过度的炎症反应,减少损伤部位细胞的死亡数量。Ø  在特定微环境下可分化成皮肤细胞、肝脏细胞、血液细胞、骨细胞、神经细胞等体内各式各样功能细胞的能力。产品/技术优点制备技术成熟,细胞制剂质量好,分泌细胞因子丰富,功能强,安全性高。Human amniotic epithelial cells (hAECs)hAECs are pluripotent stem cells. hAECs secrete abundant nerve growth factors and neurotransmitters, in addition to general growth factors, to make the cells especially useful in neural function adjustment and nerve injury repairing. Because of at the stage of  embryo development, the cells have experienced relatively fewer cell divisions and accumulated a low degree of somatic mutation, implying low risk in application. Of note, hAECs possess very low telomerase activity, therefore, have limited division cycles (5-8 generations), an indication of free tumorogenic risk in clinical application.Features and functions1.    A rich mixture of cell growth factors from hASCs will activate damage fixing mechanisms in recipients, through promoting the vascular formation, nerve regeneration and other processes in injured tissues; 2.    A rich types of cell growth factors from hASCs will enhance body’s vitality, increase anti-aging capacity and improve facial appearance; 3.    Immunosuppressive factors from hASCs will play roles in controlling and regulating immune balance to inhibit excessive inflammation and thereby to reduce the cell mortality in the inflammatory sites; 4.Mesenchymal stem cells are heterogeneous cells of complex nature that show different potentials to differentiate into various cell types in specific microenvironment, including dermal fibroblast, hepatocytes, endothelial cells of the blood vessels, cardiac muscle, osteocyte, and neural cells. Highlights in our technology/products1.    Well tuned preparing technique;2.    Therefore, sustained and good quality of cell preparation.

自然杀伤细胞(Natural Killer Cell,NK)是机体重要的免疫细胞,来源于骨髓淋巴样干细胞,发育成熟依赖于骨髓和胸腺微环境,主要分布于外周血和脾,不表达特异性抗原识别受体,目前临床将TCRˉ、mlgˉ、CD56+、CD16+淋巴细胞鉴定为NK细胞。NK细胞可用于癌症防治和改善机体免疫功能。功能 广谱性杀伤肿瘤细胞,尤其是清除血液中的循环肿瘤细胞; 通过分泌多种细胞因子激活和提高自身免疫系统的能力; 抑制肿瘤微转移、复发,阻抑肿瘤的发展; 明显提高癌症患者生活质量,延长患者的生存期。产品/技术优点 在NK细胞培养过程中,不使用人肿瘤细胞作为滋(饲)养细胞,因此安全; NK细胞制品纯度高、活性高,效果好。NK cells platform    Natural Killer Cells (NK) are important immune cells in our body. They are derived from bone marrow lymphoid stem cells, fully developed by spinal marrow and thymus microenvironment, and mainly distributed in peripheral blood and spleen. It does not express specific antigen recognition receptors. Currently, TCR ˉ, mlg ˉ, CD56 +, CD16 + lymphocytes are identified as NK cells clinically. NK cells can be used for cancer prevention, be of potential for cancer treament, and improvement of immune function.Features and functions1.    Nonspecific, therefore, broad-spectrum of tumor cell killing activity; 2.    Secrete a variety of cytokines upon activation, therefore, may function in immune-system adjustment in vivo;3.    May inhibit, in vivo, tumor micro metastasis, reduce recurrence and development; 4.    Improve cancer patients’ living quality, elongate patients’ survival term.Highlights in our technology/products 1.    Our protocol does not use human tumor cells or transformed cells as trophoblastic cells in NK cell culturing, so it is safe;2.    Our preparations consist of high purity, high activity of NK cells, and therefore highly effective in anti-cancer.

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